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文章来源:未知         发布时间:2022-04-07 16:48


Mr. Profatilov的AP微观经济学课程的学生正在继续学习再分配,外部性,政府对外部性的解决方案以及相关的问题。学生将不断地提升自己的技能!
Students in Mr. Profatilov’s AP Micro Economics class are continuing to learning about Redistribution, Externalities, Government Solutions to Externalities and solving related problems. Students continue to improve their skills!

Mr. Profatilov的的经济学课上,学生们正在学习收入和替代效应、个人盈余、消费者和生产者盈余、供应和需求的转变以及供应和需求冲击。学生将会不断地加深对经济学的基本观念的理解!
Students in Mr. Profatilov’s Economics class are learning about Income and Substitution Effects, Individual Surplus Consumer and Producer Surplus, Shifts in Supply and Demand Supply and Demand Shocks. Students continue to improve their knowledge of basic economic concepts!

Mr. Profatilov的AP欧洲历史课上,学生正在分析第二次工业化浪潮及其影响测试。工业化的社会效应。和1848年的革命。学生将继续提升MCQs方面的技能并具备辨识与分析复杂历史问题的能力。
Students in Mr. Profatilov’s AP European History class are analyzing the The Second Wave Industrialization and its Effects Quiz. Social Effects of Industrialization. Revolutions of 1848. Students continue to improve their skills in MCQs and ability to identify and analyze complex historical issues: Reaction, Revolution, and Revolution.

Mr. Profatilov的AP世界历史课的学生正在继续深入研究罗马工程、奥古斯都阅读的原始文献和罗马皇帝。学生将不断提升自己的鉴别和分析古代历史的技能!
Students in Mr. Profatilov’s AP World History class are continuing in depth study of Roman Engineering, Augustus Readings from primary sources and the Roman Emperors. Students continue to improve their skills and ability to identify and analyze ancient history!

This week we have spent time trying to get students caught up with basic programming skills in Java. The ultimate goal was to get students to be able to create in out and output via their syntax.  In addition, we give enough further skills to put into their toolbox in regards to data types and how to create more complex statements. As far as Precalculus, our ultimate goal was to get as far as we could within our review that we are able to come as close as possible to what they should have learned last semester. The goal is to be in chapter six by next week. We are on track to do so.

AP Music objectives are to complete Unit 7 which focuses on the usage of secondary dominant chords.

Students in Mr.Szatynski's Psychology class will learn how to describe major diagnostic categories for other disorders. These include Spectrum disorders, Neurocognitive disorders, and personality disorders. They will also learn more about the specific biomedical options and therapies that people can use to overcome the challenges face by having one of these disorders.

PE: Stay active while at home!