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博格思明星师资 | 享誉加州百里挑一的学科专家,快来认识他们!(文

文章来源:未知         发布时间:2019-07-18 14:25



Dr. David Long
Ph.D. in Education -- Iowa State University


Steven Ma

Steven(马振翼)毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校 ( University of California , Berkeley ) ,于2015年创办了青岛博格思加州学校,由于在教育领域的积极探索及杰出贡献,Steven 曾被任命为比「美国教育委员会主席,更有幸担任了加州亚太裔事务委员会秘书长一职。其事迹也曾见刊于纽约时报头版,被CBS 、NBC 、CCTV 等全球各大媒体争相报道。

(图中左起为:Steven Ma、Tom Torlakson、Dr.Long)
Tom Torlakson

Tom Torlakson先生是前任加州教育部部长,他所辖加州教育部,是加州最高级别管理长官之一,管理加州630万学子。


Erik Escalante
M.A., University of California, Riverside
B.A., University of California, Riverside


Rebeca Millam 
M.A., University of California, Irvine
B.A., University of California, Irvine

Millam老师曾担任美国Gilder Lehrman历史研究所、AP大学委员会和UCI历史项目的教导主任兼顾问,同时还组织参与了相关研讨会和培训课程,负责培训全美国的历史老师。Millam老师很享受在各类历史研讨会上发表自己的教案并与其他各位专家一起讨论并提高自己的教学技能。作为副校长,Millam女士大力支持并推动学校的学术项目,以促进老师和学生们的发展和进步。



Rebeca Millam grew up in California but also attended school in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico where she was born.  Mrs. Millam is very passionate about teaching history and has explored and enjoyed other roles within education.   As History Department Chair working in Costa Mesa, California, she was able to contribute to the teaching and learning of history by writing curriculum and district wide assessments, volunteering as a master teacher to provide assistance to new teachers, and leading the history department to providing quality instruction for all students.  

As a Master Teacher Fellow and Consultant for associations such as the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, AP College Board, and the UCI History Project, Mrs. Millam facilitated seminars and workshops assisting history teachers across the country in developing their skills in teaching history.  Mrs. Millam enjoys presenting her lessons at different history conferences where she also connects with other educators to further refine her skills in teaching. As an Assistant Principal, Mrs. Millam supported and developed academic programs for the benefit of students and teachers.
Mrs. Millam loves traveling with her husband, collecting and wearing vintage clothing from the 1940’s-1960’s, dancing to 50’s rock & roll, and reading a good book alongside her two cats. 

“Through the study of history, we will create students' awareness, curiosity, and critical thinking skills to develop proactive problem solvers in the 21st century.”

Christine Efferding
B.A., University of Northern Iowa
Efferding老师在爱荷华州迪比克出生并长大。 她在爱荷华州锡达福尔斯的北爱荷华大学上大学。 她取得了英语教育学位。Efferding老师喜欢所有和教学相关的一切,能加入博格思的教学团队,她倍感荣幸。她认为教学中最有成就感的地方在于观察到学生不断增强自信心,无论在学习上还是生活中。 她最喜欢教的课程是创意写作,她期待与学生一起沉浸到文学的海洋中。Efferding老师喜欢利用空闲时间收集并收听黑胶唱片,从弗兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)为代表的爵士乐到现代乡村音乐。她期待体验一个新的国家,和学生们一起教学相长。

“一个孩子,一个老师,一本书,一支笔可以改变这个世界。” - Malala Yousafzai

Ms. Efferding was born and raised in Dubuque, Iowa. She attended college at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, IA. She graduated with a degree in English Education. Ms. Efferding loves everything about teaching, and is grateful for the opportunity to join the Pegasus team. She says the best part of teaching is watching students become confident as learners and individuals. Her favorite thing to teach is creative writing, and she looks forward to diving into literature with her students. Ms. Efferding spends her free time collecting and listening to vinyl records from Frank Sinatra to modern country. She is looking forward to experiencing a new country, and learning just as much from her students as she teaches them.

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” - Malala Yousafzai


Gregory Schwab
B.A., University of California, Riverside

格雷戈里·施瓦布(Gregory Schwab)来自加州洛杉矶。我对历史和社会研究一直有浓厚的兴趣,希望能够将同样的热情带到课堂上。我很幸运,我的父母支持我接触世界各地的文化和习俗。他们曾在我小时候带我去欧洲和亚洲旅行,包括中国。这些经历给了我一个全球性的世界观,对我的生活产生了很大的影响。在拿到加州大学河滨分校社会科学本科学位后,我决定从事教育行业,希望能够在教授历史学科的同时,教导学生们从如何历史中吸取经验教训,帮助他们成为改变未来世界的人。期待与您见面!

Gregory Schwab is from Los Angeles, California. I always exhibited a strong interest in History and Social Studies and I hope to inspire the same passion in my classroom. I was fortunate to have parents who made it their mission to expose me to cultures and customs around the world. They took me traveling across Europe and Asia as a child, including stops in China. These experiences gave me a global world outlook that has had a great impact on my life. After I graduated from the University of California Riverside with a Bachelors in Social Studies, I decided to pursue a career in education with the hope that I can educate my students about what has happened before our time, so that the youth of today can learn from the past and become effective leaders of tomorrow. I look forward to working with you and your family!